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Are you weary of repetitive thought patterns, habits of old, stale insights, or even a genuine lack of inspiration for the routines of daily life? Poetry, fortunately, is like hitting the refresh button. A poem that touches the heart and mind instantly creates a bit of inner space by providing that empowering moment when you finally start to notice your own breathing again. I hope you enjoy reading Ancients of the Earth: Poems of Time.
Time’s powerful dictates are often unchallenged, even unnoticed, so I decided to face the clock, the calendar, the joy and the pain that “time” has delivered, to see what was hiding behind those insistent hands of time.
Of the books I’ve written so far, this one feels the most like a gift from another realm; the words seem to speak to anyone who wants to probe the unexplored … the unspoken … and the mysterious nature of each moment.
“Yet, the questions dance around us, and only poetry can find the rhythm.”
―D.A. (Daisy) Hickman, ANCIENTS OF THE EARTH: Poems of Time
Each poem, a story of its own, but also part of a much bigger story.
What will you glean from each poem? Will you discover the story of time?
“Poems are small moments of enlightenment.”
― Natalie Goldberg, Writing Down the Bones: Freeing the Writer Within
From a reader …
“To me, it is a masterwork, from the beautiful front cover to the impressive blurbs on the back. It is obvious that so much thought went into each word, each chapter heading, each title. I am thoroughly humbled by your reach and grasp of subjects which many would never attempt to address through poetry.”
A progressive six-part story, ANCIENTS explores how we navigate time as our awareness expands and deepens.
ANCIENTS OF THE EARTH searches for the story of time in a way you’ve never encountered it before. Each poem is a reflection of time, the many ways we experience it during our lifetimes. Sometimes we notice its influence, but too often, we don’t, as time is a mysterious and complicated facet of daily life. But once we are more aware of its curious dictates, we can transcend its boundaries in ways never thought possible. While time seems to have a steely grip on our lives, we can discover its secrets, and we can even begin to “find” time.
Now available on AMAZON and most other book sites.
I hope you enjoy these “poems of time.” I promise you they will encourage you to think about time in fascinating new ways.
“This compendium of elegant poems will both root you firmly in the earth’s rich soil, and give you wings to soar to other dimensions.” —Matthew Peters, PhD, novelist, teacher
“A powerfully evocative exploration of humanity and the journey through time that we all share, if not always comfortably. Finally, a deeply insightful book of poetry that leads me to myself.”
—Mark David Gerson, author, The Voice of the Muse
“D.A. Hickman’s poems brilliantly illuminate a subject that eludes us all–time. A vivid and intimate examination of time’s boundaries, time’s passage, this beautifully curated collection will change the way you think about the past, experience the present, and meet the future. Spellbinding and provocative, ANCIENTS OF THE EARTH will fill you with wonder, time and time again.” —Laurie Buchanan, PhD, author, Note to Self
Thanks so much for stopping by this sunny space for kindred spirits. See you again soon!
Blog by SunnyRoomStudio: all rights reserved.
Note: SunnyRoomStudio is on a writing break, so please take a few moments to browse prior posts and Studio Guest posts. Also, click here for more about my memoir, THE SILENCE OF MORNING: A Memoir of Time Undone. And to find my book about tapping into your inner wisdom via life surroundings, click here: ALWAYS RETURNING: The Wisdom of Place. Thanks so much! ~